Our Lady's Pavilion:
We are very excited to announce that we finally completed the roof of the pavilion in honor of Our Blessed Mother and the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart! Our plan for this outdoor pavilion is to have a place where religious talks and events could be held while having a view of the wonderful countryside which surrounds us.
Work on the pavilion was started in the summer of 2019 with laying the concrete foundation for the pavilion. The fall of 2019 and the spring of 2020 saw the shop busily in the process of preparing the wood which would be the structure of the pavilion. July of 2020 the structure began to be erected and was completed in the fall of 2020 except for the roof. We have spent 2021 in working on the roof which was finally completed in November of 2021!
Many thanks go out to the benefactors of this project and all the volunteers, God bless you! The last stage of completing the pavilion is the electrical work and setting up seating for future events. If you want to help in this final stage, please contact us at 866-448-6279...